Catching problems early and fixing them is an important part of having a beautiful and lush lawn. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when you evaluate a troubled lawn.
June 23, 2015
Catching problems early and fixing them is an important part of having a beautiful and lush lawn. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when you evaluate a troubled lawn.
When you repair a lawn, stick with the same grasses you already have in place.
This is also a good way to introduce perennial ryegrass into a primarily bluegrass or fescue lawn, which improves its wear resistance during the winter months.
Many landscaping pros evaluate a lawn based on this 50/50 rule of thumb: if more than half of your lawn is beset with weeds, invasive grasses, dead patches or other problems, it's usually less work to completely renovate the lawn than to do spot repairs.
A brown lawn may be caused by overzealous mowing rather than lack of water.
Lawns beneath trees can suffer from fungal diseases encouraged by the shade and lack of air circulation.
To look good and provide maximum benefits, grass needs regular mowing, food and water.
Ground covers don't need mowing or frequent weeding once they're established, and many require less sun than good-quality lawn grass.
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