Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are painful, sensitive infections that appear on the lips, the outside of the mouth and occasionally inside or on the nose.
Most people have experienced these uncomfortable blisters, and in fact 90 percent of all people develop at least one cold sore in their lifetime. Often preceded by a burning, pulsating, itching sensation, a small fluid-filled sore will emerge.
Within a day or so, the sore ruptures and a scab forms. Once you have had a cold sore, the virus that causes it remains with you for the rest of your life. It lies dormant in nerve cells and may re-emerge for a variety of reasons, perhaps when the immune system is depressed or when you are under a lot of stress or don't get enough sleep.
For most people who have recurrent cold sores, subsequent sores will appear in the same location as the initial sore and will be less painful.
Some people are more prone to getting cold sores, and while almost everyone has had the virus, only some people actually experience symptoms. Cold sores generally last for a week to 10 days.