Bankers Hall Shoe Shine
Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
15 315 8 avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 4K1
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Meet the owner

Do you have a few minutes? Get a coffee, find your way to Bankers Hall and get your shoes shined. It may be the most interesting few minutes of your day.

In 2014, Mikael Peters took over the Bankers Hall Shoe Shine kiosk from his friend who had become ill. “I used to help him before, so it wasn’t hard.” Mikael's friend had manned the kiosk for 20 years and had built up a large clientele and Mikael has kept up that success. “You have to be friendly and outgoing because you’re meeting different people all the time,” he explains.

The art of his shoe shine is only matched by Mikael's art of conversation. He truly enjoys the camaraderie his business creates. “A lot of people shun it and think I’m crazy to be doing it, but I enjoy it. I meet lots of people,” he says. “I have so many friends – judges, lawyers, doctors, and general people in the community. If I wasn’t in this job I wouldn’t meet so many people.”

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