4 steps for managing early arthritis

November 14, 2014

Follow these tips to spot arthritis early and manage the joint disorder.

4 steps for managing early arthritis

Even if you're in your 30s or 40s and aren't suffering any symptoms, arthritis may have already begun to take hold.

1. Recognize the first signs

  • You straighten out your arm or leg and hear and feel a click at the joint.
  • You notice that you are a little stiffer in the morning when you first wake up.
  • The day after a big soccer match you wake up stiff with pain you normally put down to athletic strain.
  • When you put on a ring that normally fits, it is hard to get it over the finger joint.

All of these can be the early signs of arthritis. There is good news and bad news.

  • The bad? There is no cure for arthritis.
  • The good? By consulting your doctor and moving toward self-management of your diet and exercise, you can begin to control your arthritis symptoms and lessen their impact on your daily life.

2. Consult your doctor

Your physician can do a simple blood test that will either confirm or deny a diagnosis of arthritis.

  • If the problem becomes severe, your doctor can prescribe anti-inflammatory medication that will help control the pain and other symptoms.

3. Rethink your diet

Certain foods make arthritis worse, like fried foods, foods high in sugar and salt, those full of artificial preservatives, and processed foods such as white bread or pasta.

  • Try to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish like salmon and tuna, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Differentiate between good and bad exercise

Arthritis is a degeneration of the joint that is largely caused by wear and tear. That's why it gets worse as you age.

  • Other than diet, the most important thing you can do is to focus on exercise that is gentle on the joints.

Your three-kilometre-a-day jogging habit or those frenzied high-powered aerobic classes can come back to haunt you with increased swelling and pain.

  • The best kind of joint-friendly exercise includes walking, swimming and water aerobics, and working out on elliptical machines and stationary bikes.

Recognizing the early signs

By recognizing the early signs of arthritis, consulting with your doctor and managing your diet and exercise regime, you can begin to manage your arthritis while you are still young.

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