Yoga For Today
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206-2016 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3X3
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Meet the owner

When Yoga For Today started in 2001, it was one of the first dedicated yoga studios in the Sherwood Park and Edmonton area, but its roots actually go back much further. After studying for more than 10 years with Sherwood Park’s yoga guru, Gerda Krebs, Chris Erdman Boyko made the natural progression of moving the home-based studio she had run for seven years into the Franklin’s Inn in Sherwood Park.

At that time, formal yoga studios were few and far between, and yoga hadn't hit the mainstream popularity it enjoys now, so Chris’ vision of Yoga For Today was truly ahead of its time. Her goal to make a difference was fuelled by a tight-knit community of yoga instructors and long-practiced yoga students. With a solid community of support, Yoga For Today has grown to offer more than 50 classes weekly with something for all participants.

Ratings & Reviews - Yoga For Today

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    YFT offers a diverse program of yoga styles and instruction approaches. Staff are very helpful and courteous and there are ample opportunities to try different methods. Internationally renowned yoga instructors provide yoga workshops and there are also programs offered that will appeal to every age and ability. Although the facilities are not trendy like some other studios, staff do their best to keep things looking good. We are very fortunate to have a studio like YFT in our community.

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    After 20 minutes ...

    After 20 minutes of hand and leg stretches, I realized that this wasn't for me (and it wasn't even a beginner's class). I left in the middle of class and went to reception where I had paid my $25 half-an hour earlier. When I told the lady at reception, this class isn't for me, she replied "The instructor has been doing this for 30 years..." and made me feel like an idiot. No refund was given nor did she ask what type of class I would prefer. Terrible experience all around. Stay away.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Business Reply August 7, 2015

    Sorry to hear you did not enjoy your yoga class. We have a variety of styles of yoga and over 15 different instructors on our schedule. It's unfortunate after taking one class and it not meeting your expectation, that you did not try another style of yoga and/or instructor. The $25 you paid was for one week of unlimited yoga. We do want students to enjoy their yoga experience, but what's nice about the unlimited week is that it provides opportunity to try different classes/instructors so students can find the class that's just right for them.

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    Editor’s Pick
    Edmonton fitness studios with classes for moms and babies

    Edmonton fitness studios with classes for moms and babies

    The Fit Mama Class at Yoga for Today was one of the first activities I signed up for as a new mom. It’s a class for postpartum moms and their babies who are six weeks and older. They combine Pilates and Yoga together to focus on building up the strength in your core. I brought a blanket for my daughter to play on while I did my workout. And, the last part of the class was spent singing songs and baby yoga postures, perfect for cooling down and bonding with your child.

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